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AgLeader InCommand GO will not support App Rate Module
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Posted 11/14/2024 05:28 (#10966502 - in reply to #10966281)
Subject: RE: AgLeader InCommand GO will not support App Rate Module

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
By chance I ran into my Ag Leader Salesman just last night and he confirmed that the new GO displays will not support the Application Rate Module.

For those who are not familiar with the Application Rate module, it has been around since the Insight days and has been supported by Ag Leader displays until now. The Application Rate module can be used in what I think of as three general situations.

The most basic would be to use it with an implement switch (or relay from another system) to Start/Stop a coverage map. The Application Rate Module can also be used to record/monitor Application Rates. This is commonly done by connecting a flow meter to the Application Rate Module. A shaft sensor or other device connected to product flow can be used instead of a flow meter. The third method is to allow communication with a third party device or controller. A common situation is use it with a Raven 440/450 etc. The two devices interchange information. The Raven still controls the application but the Ag Leader can make maps etc. based on the information.

Note that the Application Rate Module never controls the product, it monitors and maps the situation. This allows the operator to make changes as necessary for application rates etc. The operator does not enter a target rate. The operator must make changes to the application rate by other means.

Personally we use two Application Rate Modules. One is on the corn planter where starter fertilizer is delivered by a ground driven pump. The fertilizer passes through a Raven RFM-15 flow meter which is connected to an Application Rate Module. This allows us to monitor (not control) the fertilizer applied rate, totals etc.

The other situation is with a Nuhn manure rig. The manure passes through a Yamatake Mag meter. The Mag meter is connected to an Application Rate Module which allows the operator to monitor the application process. Again it does not control the application.

I'm disappointed by the lack of support for the Application Rate Module. Possibly there aren't that many that are being used. It would seem that it shouldn't be very difficult to add the support to the GO displays since the work has already been done. Guess I'll need to stick with the InCommand 1200's that I have.

I assume (always dangerous) that the GO displays will support the Legacy Liquid Product Control Modules that have also been around since the Insight days. We use one of them on the planter for spraying Pre's while planting. We also use one in the Hagies STS-12 for spraying and Y-Drops.

Edited by tedbear 11/14/2024 09:32
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