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Wanna be a cowboy? 100+ sections, 2.5m$
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Posted 11/14/2024 18:25 (#10967529 - in reply to #10967508)
Subject: RE: Wanna be a cowboy? 100+ sections, 2.5m$

W Texas
Seems like a lot of coin for rocks and scenery.

If it’s like my area, billionaires probably own most of it and don’t take care of the coyotes, etc.

Have a neighboring place with 250,000 acres and thirty cows for tax purposes (and at one time, no bull).

One of my bulls thought those cows looked lonely…. We wore out 6 cowboys and 12 horses one weekend and never could get him back where he belonged. That was years ago and he’s still there, far as I know.
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