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HT Guys Please Enlightened Me .... Pics
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Posted 11/17/2024 03:47 (#10970490 - in reply to #10968455)
Subject: RE: HT Guys Please Enlightened Me .... Pics

beanplanter - 11/15/2024 09:23

One of my exterior 4 wire HT fences hasn't been plugged in for 2 months. 

I made a thread on here a while back with pictures showing exactly how easy it is to fix the tree falling issue. I own several fences like you have pictured here too. I know what they look like in 15 years. You seem awfully proud of your free fence, but no way in hell will I ever build a 4 wire barb in this situation again.   

Amazed you could leave it off for 2 months.

It's not just the tree falling issues. It's all the available growing brush (and knee high to waist high grass in the spring before turnout) to short out the fence along with the remoteness of the fence.

Definitely not proud of this fence (some things some people would do different) but very very THANKFUL! Way better than the previous fence.

What do you think this fence will look like in 5 years as it's already probably 10 years old?

It will turn cows easily for 30 years with very little maintenance. 50 to 60 year life span is possible depending on how brittle the wire will get. Dad, Uncle and Grandpa built a fair amount of fence in the early 60's. That wire is brittle and needs replaced.

Your last statement says a lot and I agree with you. I wouldn't want to build 4 barb either! Got to have at least 5 barb wires!!! Lol
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