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Herd/calf record book app
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Posted 11/18/2024 10:44 (#10972254 - in reply to #10972181)
Subject: RE: Herd/calf record book app

NW Missouri
This probably isn't what you're after, but I just use an excel spreadsheet, and save it in dropbox, which allows me to pull it up from my phone. It would be a pain to enter the data on my phone, but I use a notepad during calving season, or when working them to write down stuff, then I put it into excel on the computer. Once it's in there, I can look it up whenever I need to. Have a main tab for tracking cow data, one for tracking heifers that I do or dont want to save for replacements, one for ear tags I need to order, one for running stats on conception rate and calf crop percentage, etc.
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