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What a day! Parents had a trust for all assets…,
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Mrs B
Posted 11/19/2024 07:39 (#10973390 - in reply to #10973086)
Subject: RE: What a day! Parents had a trust for all assets…,

Highland Center, in Southeast Iowa

Gosh, where was your head when your father told you he was tired of signing paperwork, that he didn't know what he was signing? I know you're beating yourself up terribly over the situation and I understand that part. But did not a bright red flag wave when your father told you that? I'm very sorry for the mess you find yourself in, but with signed (and maybe notarized) documents in evidence, I'm afraid you are terminally screwed at this point. Competent legal advice (not a bunch of old internet farmers) would be the first item of business today. 

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