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Driving cross country through the northern states next week
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Glenn W.
Posted 11/20/2024 12:23 (#10975233 - in reply to #10974683)
Subject: RE: Driving cross country through the northern states next week

Southeast Washington
Thanks. Southern Illinois will be on the return trip. We are helping a niece move into an apartment for a job in Connecticut. She has been in Scotland for several years and we have had her car in storage.

Here is just a search for our route back to southern Illinois. The trip easy is going to be a few basic stops but keep moving to get there to meet her and our daughter as they fly in from Scotland. Little more relaxed drive back without a U-Haul cat trailer too. Originally it was drive the cart there and catch a plane or train back home. After the apartment furnishings it was clear everything wouldn't fit in the car.

(Screenshot_20241119_191655_Maps (full).jpg)

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