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See if you can top me
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Posted 11/20/2024 20:17 (#10975864 - in reply to #10975681)
Subject: RE: See if you can top me

nw pa
You have it made.Your still in and I state

My folks were so poor they didn't make the Ohio line.
signed up for antique plates this year for the farm truck
Still using a 33 and 44 massey for augers
One 550 combine wasn't enough for us had two ,too much idle time I guess
if that wasn't enough also had a jd 8640
Case 1370 with the fine powershift
Still do some farming with a 1080 and 1155 massey although as you can tell not much.As I get older all that idle time we had is getting to be 25 hours a day.

So no matter what you run your still in and I state..

ps. We also ended up in and 1840's house

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