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? For no til soybean growers
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Posted 11/20/2024 22:05 (#10976057 - in reply to #10975031)
Subject: RE: ? For no til soybean growers

South Central MN
I've done that here before, just a single fall pass with the disk and plant in the spring. (Most here are full tillage, with a few now doing strip-till instead.)

I would think an 1890 drill would have enough downforce to no-till with unless it was lacking some frame weight, but the disk should leave the top couple inches loose enough where you won't need to worry. Actually was glad I tried that the first spring I used my new to me planter since it had the heavy springs on it. Full tilled was too soft.

By next fall at harvest that corn residue should be pretty flat on the ground and a lot broken down other than stalks/cobs, so won't be a problem.
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