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Confidence in Carfax??
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jonas grumby
Posted 11/21/2024 09:38 (#10976523)
Subject: Confidence in Carfax??

Northern Illinois
What is your level of confidence in a Carfax report when looking at a used vehicle? I have no reason to doubt the report but just wondering if anyone has had an incidence where a Carfax report missed something rather important. I am thinking missed an accident or air bag deployment that would affect the value of a vehicle.

I am looking at a vehicle from a corner used car lot that is not associated with a car dealership. These types of places have in the past had a not so good reputation as far as selling vehicles that may have some damage to an unsuspecting person. Carfax report is clean but this vehicle is priced very reasonable for the year and miles so I am wondering can they sell this low because their overhead is so much less than a car dealership or are they trying to sell a damaged vehicle.
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