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Can a sileage pile be used to heat your house?
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Posted 11/21/2024 12:44 (#10976807 - in reply to #10976775)
Subject: RE: Can a sileage pile be used to heat your house?

SW, Missouri
JDSWMO - 11/21/2024 12:33

footballjunkie - 11/21/2024 12:15

I heated my egg packing room and office with the composting pile of chicken crap in the manure barn. I ran line back the barn, coiled it around one of those wooden wheel things they use for electrical wire and then covered that with manure that heated up to 120 degrees.

One of the world famous twins from Shell Knob heated his house like that.

I could be wrong but I'm thinking it was the one that had a hard time finding a wife.
lol, this place ain't the same since they left.
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