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How many arms this guy have?
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Posted 11/21/2024 13:03 (#10976846 - in reply to #10976618)
Subject: RE: How many arms this guy have?

Here is my hot take on animal and crop. It's super simple. Regulate only based upon proven science. Let the consumer demand dictate the rest.

Someone wants to pay extra for cage free eggs, great. Someone wants to pay extra for the grass-fed organic beef, great. The packaging has pretty colors too. I have no problem paying a little extra to get a steer butchered that I know was finished the way I like.

What I believe is too far is when I hear the "value added" side spreading unfounded lies about traditional products. I'm no attorney but that cuts close to libel. Disney got the pleasure of settling their case with BPI by cutting them a $177 million check.

I wish the corn growers association would stop spending my dollars on a NASCCAR race sponsorship and spend more trying to build trust with the consumer that tradition Ag is safe and we are constantly researching to ensure it stays that way.
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