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Hog barn alarm system
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Posted 11/21/2024 20:06 (#10977494 - in reply to #10976029)
Subject: RE: Hog barn alarm system

eastern Iowa
John McClain - 11/20/2024 21:50

chirpfarm - 11/20/2024 08:03

ford_shooter - 11/11/2024 12:44

Barn Talk is what you're looking for. I had Agri-Alert and Sensaphone before and will never go back.

How is barn talk better than agrialert? Just curious. The agrialert in my barn is annoying in how complicated it is to cancel an alarm when it calls in the middle of the night, but otherwise it's been flawless.

You can see the alarms on the app and also look at sensor. Acknowledgement of alarm can't be simpler and can remotely adjust alarm set points. There were times I could rip that blasted agri alert off the wall.

Just like what John said, the BarnTalk app makes it very simple. The alarm system is also "self checking" it's self every 2 min. If it does a self check and doesn't get a response it will notify you right away letting you know the alarm is not working correctly. Being able to adjust when the alarm should sound is great. Having the water meters on the app to let you know if flow has reduced too much or increased too much. I know right away looking at the app when i have a stuck nipple water. attached a few screenshots of the app.

Edited by ford_shooter 11/21/2024 20:08

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Attachments IMG_3889 (full).PNG (66KB - 13 downloads)
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Attachments IMG_3892 (full).PNG (131KB - 11 downloads)
Attachments IMG_3893 (full).PNG (102KB - 9 downloads)
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