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dynagrow D48VC84 corn
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Posted 11/22/2024 18:16 (#10978681 - in reply to #10978666)
Subject: RE: dynagrow D48VC84 corn

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana

thank you. i wan't sure how old the dyna grow was. hearing its been around that long i guess doesn't excite me as much that i may or may not be the latest and greatest than for me to jump ship on the 59-82 dekalb. 
i bet my 2208 agventure and your 0953 are cousins or sisters. corteva genetics really looked like they handled the disease better this year... i keep reading this elsewhere and feel like i'm just planting some bayer for the genetic diversity. i probably need to just go whole hog on the corteva... ???? 

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