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FM 750 autopilot connection issue detected
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Posted 11/23/2024 11:16 (#10979451 - in reply to #10978782)
Subject: RE: FM 750 autopilot connection issue detected

Sounds like you have the wrong software on your NAV. With a NAV, an update isn't necessarily a good thing if it's not meant for what your hardware needs. If you can connect the EZ-500 (originally Ag Leader, then Trimble) and it works, then it's probably set to work with it and not the FM-750 (Trimble). It will need a dealer service call unless you have the laptop, connections and software.
Just this spring, I had a tractor with the correct software on the NAV and that tractor, but it was 2 versions too new for the screen, because we couldn't update to the latest screen version because it was incompatible with our Raven toolbar for some odd reason. Dealer spent 2 hours trying different combinations until he found out what he needed.

NAVs were great 15 years ago, but now they're just a pain in the rear if you don't have the ability to work with them.
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