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Field K levels the key to higher yields and disease prevention in 2025
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Jacob Bolson
Posted 11/24/2024 20:57 (#10981388 - in reply to #10978976)
Subject: RE: Field K levels the key to higher yields and disease prevention in 2025

StarAg - 11/22/2024 22:07

Pvafarm - 11/22/2024 21:21

How much "more"? At what cost and what levels should we build? Are we talking ppm or % saturation? What should we measure?

Great Question and you may or may not like my answer. To fully dig into this question we need to know what level we are starting from whether you are talking about ppm or base saturation. Also need to know what hybrid is being used because K update efficiency varies by hybrid genetics. Fields with high K levels have been shown by research to help prevent disease impact on yield vs fields with low k levels. K regulates stomatal opening so fields with higher K levels also yield better in drought stress conditions. I plan to hold meetings later this winter to take a deeper look at the importance of K.

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