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Bermuda and Crab grasses spreading in no till fields
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Posted 11/25/2024 05:57 (#10981623 - in reply to #10980583)
Subject: RE: Bermuda and Crab grasses spreading in no till fields

nw NC
David - 11/24/2024 11:11

I had a place I bought that had terrible common Bermuda. I sprayed once with 32 ounces Roundup. Turned it a bit for a couple days.

I ended up spraying it with 64 ounces RU plus 20 ounces Select. Did the exact same mix 3 weeks later. I “think” I got it this time.

41% Glyphosate label below states 5 quarts/acre for control of Bermudagrass. You sprayed three times and finally got the 5 qts/acre applied. Maybe it will control it.

(Capture.JPG 41% Glyphosate rate bermudagrass (full).JPG)

Attachments Capture.JPG 41% Glyphosate rate bermudagrass (full).JPG (45KB - 18 downloads)
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