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Xag p150
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Posted 12/7/2024 23:12 (#11000044 - in reply to #10999972)
Subject: RE: Xag p150

I wouldn't be worried about it, I got to walk around one and they are still built heavier and more sturdy than the T50s. They added some more plastic components to be lighter and cheaper to replace in the event of a crash, but also to provide designated fail points to protect the vital components. Time will tell for sure, but all in all, it looks almost just as impressive to the eye test as the p100 pro.

Really can't go wrong with either one. P100 Pro is definitely a more cost effective entry point. I will say though, the new pro remote for the p150 is more user friendly and you don't need to get a designated tablet or tie up your phone to fly it.

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