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question on UPS for computers
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Posted 1/3/2025 10:29 (#11038995 - in reply to #11037739)
Subject: RE: question on UPS for computers

South Central MN
It looks as though that thing costs over $1000? At that pricepoint, why not buy a try UPS that'll also include what is likely to be a far superior surge protector and will offer true instant power-switching? You can find ones from Cyberpower or APC for $200, or if you wanted to spend a bit over $1000 you could get this: Spending the $1000 on a true UPS will also likely get you voltage conditioning so that even when the battery isn't in use, the voltage passing through it is being conditioned into clean, uniform power to avoid any power spikes/dips or changes in frequency that could damage electronics. You can also run your internet cable through most UPS so that you're surge-protected on those as well.

The only advantage I see to the unit you posted is the ability to easily replace the batteries, but that also means you'll be stealing the batteries to use on your string trimmer instead of leaving them charged up. Buy the real UPS.
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