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Houseplants 101
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Posted 1/22/2025 10:08 (#11068035)
Subject: Houseplants 101

Expecting the worst, I never aspired to owning any houseplants. But, never the less, somewhere along the way I inherited a Philodendron. Since Philodendrons have a reputation for being "idiot proof", and nearly "impossible to kill", I decided to keep it. I've had it for several years. Other than watering it now and then, I have treated it with benign neglect.

For the first several years, nothing much happened. Appearance was healthy but growth was minimal. A couple of years ago, I bought some plant food/fertilizer from the "clearance" aisle of a store. Applied some to this plant, and AWAY WE WENT. Plant is located in my office, which is in the basement of our home.... on a high shelf near a western facing window. NOW, I have 5 vines hanging down, 3' to 5' in length. New vines are emerging from the soil in the pot.

Alas, however these vines are dropping leaves. Every so often, a random leaf will appear healthy, but suddenly begin to pale, dwindle away and die over a period of a couple weeks. There are healthy leaves near the top of the vines, and near the bottom of the vines. There is new growth and new leaves continually emerging at the bottom of the vines, but the mid section of the vines has become rather barren over the last several months. The 5' vine has a 2' leafless stretch of leaflessness. It would be prettier with leaves.

What is happening, and what do I need to do? Thanks. showboat
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