 Pittsburg, Kansas | Here is my line of thinking based on what I think I have learned. Subject to being wrong and subject to change should I learn something different. My opinion only.
Carolynn and I eat a LOT of beef mostly because it is not only filling (high satiety food) but also satisfying in that we are not hungry again for a long time. More so for us than pork and much more so than chicken. (we eat a lot of pork because it is cheap and we like the taste, expecially bacon and ribs). So that is kind of our personal preference in order. Beef first, then pork, and last chicken. I think beef has the widest range of essential amino acids that the body requires to be consumed (we can't produce internally).
That said, it is my personal position that any of the three is much superior to any plant food you want to name. Eat meat for nutrition, eat plants for taste and variety. I am not saying you can't get nutrients from plants. You can. But meat is far superior in a much more bio available form so better absorbed. Plus certain plants have anti-nutrients that can actually prevent some nutrients from being absorbed (an example is the paper that demonstrates the absorption rate of zinc from eating oysters (a good source of zinc) yet when the same oysters were consumed with corn tortillias the absorption rate dropped to almost zero).
As far as fish and seafood, they are also good. It is not a mainstay of my diet probably mostly because of where I live and how I was raised. They are a good source of essential nutrients and minerals like iodine, zinc, Omega 3 fats, etc.. I try to eat either sardines or some other seafood once or twice a week at least just for that reason. For a person who was raised near the ocean, I see no problem at having a significant portion of their "meat" consumption being fish. I just am not used to that type diet, although I am getting better. Went out last night with another couple that are good friends and have become more strict than wife and I on a 95% carnivore diet. Basically carnivore but they will renig and eat a few veggies if around other people or at a meal with some served. At home by themselves, meat. The lady keeps her Parkinson's in control with diet and a few other things she does. No medication.
We took them to a resturant they eat at about once a week, so the wait staff and chefs greet them by name. It is a sushi resturant but for them the chefs specially prepare for them sushimi (spell) with no rice. There are small amounts of sea weed in a seafood salad and about a half dozen different seafood fish and sea creature meat preparations. Thirty years ago I would have turneed up my nose at it. I ate it all last night and enjoyed it. Paid the bill and the tip for 4 of us at $300. My wife just loves the stuff. I have gotten over the last few years where I could tolerate it (for her and my friends sake at the time) and finally last night can honestly say I thouroughly enjoyed it. Of course some of the fish was uncooked or just a blow torch to surface cook. Salmon roll, tuna roll, salmon roll with scallops and crab on top, seafood salad. Think that was most of it. We will not mention the couple bottles of wine. Wine is not carnivore, by the way.
More than you ask for or wanted to know.
In summary I will say what I saId in the beginning. We eat meat for nutrition and satiety with some seafood for good measure. We eat a few plants for taste. I think we might be slightly better off if we didn't eat the plants. But we still enjoy some variety.
My non doctor, non nutritionist opinion only. Probably wrong. Anybody is a fool if they do something just because John Burns does it. Do your own research and decide for yourself what is best for you.
Edited by John Burns 1/23/2025 15:02
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