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JB on chicken,fish ?
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   Forums List -> Kitchen TableMessage format
John Burns
Posted 1/24/2025 06:27 (#11071072 - in reply to #11070541)
Subject: am I biased?

Pittsburg, Kansas
Absolutely. Of course I am.

I think the only people that can be completely unbiased are the ones who know nothing about the subject or are imbeciles.

Once we educate ourselves to some degree on a subject, it is my belief it is impossible to not be biased toward what we think we know. And we form an opinion, right or wrong, based on that knowledge.

Opinnions are like butt holes. Everyone has one. I have heard the questions you ask been ask before with various explanations that sound plausable to me. Are they correct though? I don't know.

I just know my wifes personal experience is that the fewer plant materials she eats the better she feels. Eats some plant stuff she enjoys eating (tomatoes for example) and if she eats very much will pay for it feeling worse. She still uses tomato paste in a few dishes but she uses it sparingly and not too often. I will have salsa with my eggs sometimes, she usually avoids it even though she really likes the taste of it.

I, on the other hand, stick with mostly meat for a different reason. I cut the carbs out to control my blood sugar. That totally eliminates any grains and starchy vegetables. In the beginning of our ketogenic way of eating we ate lots of green vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers, etc. Lots of stir fry dishes with meat but lots of vegetables. And that is what we lost the weight on, so it worked fine.

But over the years as my wifes cooking has evolved around low carb dishes (she is an excellent cook), she has found out just by trial and error that she feels better the more she cuts out the plant portion of the food. And me not wanting to make her prepare two different meals I just go along with it. Although there are times she will make an additional dish just for me and she just eats everything else at the meal.

So in about the 6 year time frame we have went from low carb ketogenic with lots of vegetables to low carb ketogenic more heavily based on meat. It has just been a natural progression based on the way we feel the best and controlling my blood sugar levels.

So my opinions are based largely on the doctors I listen to (probably a dozen or so) and our own personal experience seems to agree with what they say. So that makes what they say more meaningful to us. Plus some very close friends that have had unbelievable reversal of disease that is not supposed to be able to reverse. Like my diabetes was not reversable. Yet I reversed it with diet recomended by these dozen or so doctors. So I tend to believe them in other areas also since they have been so correct in reversing my and my friends irreversable diseases.

Edited by John Burns 1/25/2025 06:23
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