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Worn keyboard on laptop
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Aussy Harold
Posted 1/24/2025 16:30 (#11071976)
Subject: Worn keyboard on laptop

North East Wimmera district of Victoria.

We have a laptop that we've had for about 2 years.

Problem is the letters have worn off the 'most used' keys  -a -e- s -d- n -r - t.  [see photo].

Any ideas as to what to renew them with?  Wife reckons it is her fingernails that have done the damage, but the old computer in our office shows no sign of the letters wearing off its keys, and it is 10 years old at least!  She has used it a lot over its life!

I used a label maker to print the stick on letters, not sure if that is clear in the photo - as they soon wore, and I have used a Texta to re-do the letters. So they have not lasted long either.

I have not 'googled ' to see what I can find there.

I always get good advice from NAT - so thanks in advance.

Edited by Aussy Harold 1/24/2025 16:35

(Laptop worn keys (full).jpg)

Attachments Laptop worn keys (full).jpg (141KB - 101 downloads)
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