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Daily what I've been eating
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John Burns
Posted 1/26/2025 16:56 (#11074873 - in reply to #11074751)
Subject: RE: Daily what I've been eating

Pittsburg, Kansas
I would not say that they are bad. I would say less than ideal for optimal nutrition.

How less than ideal they are are mostly dependent on how metabolically healthy you are. If metabolically healthy the body can tollerate quite a lot of them for many years. I'm almost 71 and they have not killed me so far. Although 6 years ago I pretty much quit eating them because of excessive consumption of carbohydrates over much of my life made me insulin resistant and diabtic type II.

So now I am carbohydrate intolerant and reduce the sugars and starchy vegetables to control my diabetes instead of taking insulin shots and pills. I am drug free and control my diabetes completely with diet by strictly limiting carbohydrates.

I will have an apple or pear a day during season off our home trees. I will occasionally eat a very few slices of carrots if they happen to be in with my broccoli at a restaurant.

Hot dogs, depending on what additives are in them besides meat (like sugar and preservatives), are generally more nutritious than vegetables because they contain mostly meat. But they are not the ideal meat to eat, in my opinion. Two hot dogs will not usually raise my blood sugar. But two apples will.

Kind of depends on where a persons health is currently at that makes some foods healthier than others. I can't stand many carbs or I would soon be diabetic again. My A1c is now 5.8, pre-diabetic. When I was on insulin (4 shots a day, 100 units total) and multiple drugs but a more "normal" diet with lots of starchy vegetables it alwas ran in the 6.9-7.0 diabetic range. Which was considered by my doctor to be very good control for a diabetic type II. But once I got off the carbs and then medicine, it is now much better with diet control only.

So what foods are bad depends on where a person is at in their health journey. Excessive amounts of carbohydrates and especially fructose is bad for anyone, in my non medical non nutritional trained opinion. But hey, that is just me. Eat what you like. I did for most of 60 years although when diagnosed diabetic 35 or so years ago I did rein in my sugar consumption drastically. Went to diet soda and sweeteners.

My health improved beyond belief when I got off the excess carbs. I am now almost 71. Your mileage may vary though.

Edited by John Burns 1/26/2025 17:15
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