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Agleader Incommand 1200 or Go16 ?
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Posted 1/30/2025 08:04 (#11080603)
Subject: Agleader Incommand 1200 or Go16 ?

Just looking at replacing a steering system on a JD tractor and would like to go down the Agleader route. Already have an IC1200 in the sprayer and like it. There’s not much price difference between an old stock IC1200 and a Go16. Not sure which way to go as having 2:x IC1200s would give me direct swappable backup for each unit and we know this screen already. On the other hand it will be obsolete sooner than the Go16 So buying the latest would be better from that perspective.
Question is, is the Go16 much of an improvement or stick with another 1200. Any thoughts appreciated, thanks.
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