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Agleader Hyd. Steering questions
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Posted 2/1/2025 10:46 (#11083654 - in reply to #11083620)
Subject: RE: Agleader Hyd. Steering questions

Jeffersonville, OH
AVP_Matt - 2/1/2025 11:31

They quit selling the Cat valves either when they came out with Steercommand or shortly after. Not sure why exactly but I think some component might have been unavailable and I'm sure sales were dropping off quite a bit by then being it was a specialized valve. I'd assume knowing they wouldn't have the valves available, code just wasn't written for it. I'd have to look at pinouts too but there might not have been support for a second sensor in the steercommand either. I forget.

Just curious, we weren't doing much on autosteer back in those days, I started about 2006-2008 when AGCO brought out the first Beeline based systems...then started working with my local Ag Leader dealers LOL

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