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Can anyone confirm this?
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   Forums List -> Market TalkMessage format
Posted 2/5/2025 13:42 (#11090387 - in reply to #11089904)
Subject: Actual numbers - found the UMN link

1,243 mediation notices were received in FY24 from creditors who had sent notices to agricultural debtors.
969 notices completed mediation in FY24.
Of these, 89% reached an agreement or workout..
266 notices received were still open at the end of FY24.
Debtor(s) for 562 notices waived mediation. Results for waived notices may have been; the debtor(s) and creditor worked out a resolution, including making the debt current, restructuring the debt, filing bankruptcy, or abandoning the collateral.

The type of creditor sending the initial notice of mediation, in descending order: Banks 64%; Farm Credit Services, United FCS, AgStar, AgCountry, Compeer, and AgriBank 28%; Main Street Suppliers and Small Businesses 3%; Contract for Deed 2%; Implement Dealers and Manufacturers 2%; United States Department of Agriculture and Farm Service Agency 1%.
The total amount of debt reported and addressed in mediation sessions was approximately $116.7M.

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