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Can anyone confirm this?
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JRCS Farms
Posted 2/5/2025 14:02 (#11090410 - in reply to #11090390)
Subject: RE: Can anyone confirm this?

North Central Indiana
Well seeing as I’m just starting, my aph was my county average and is slowly moving off of that. And according to everyone on here they’re all getting above the county average so I’m behind in that category. But specifically? Corn APH is up to 193.7 and soybeans are up to 56.4 for 2025. Yearly averages have been between 198-226 on corn and 54-69 on beans.
But that tells you nothing without knowing expenses, land payments, rent payments, equipment payments, etc. my point is it’s doable. We’ve just lost sight of operating at low margins and what a need vs a want is
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