Jon - 2/5/2025 07:12
mafrif - 2/5/2025 06:06
hfarmsinc - 2/5/2025 05:34
Otherwise, we were not going to spend the money as the payback was not anywheres close. I'm assuming since the money was promised and allocated already that we won't have any problems, but I' a little worried with some of the stuff I've read on what has been being affected. TIA
Am i the only one that believes you need to be responsible for your poor decision making capabilities, and not the general public?
If you're promised money to do a project, then they should pay it. If you don't like it, fix the program. I don't like all the money the govt pays out, but if they promise it then they need to pay it. It would be different if they paid before the project, and took the money away. You could back out of the project if they pulled the funding. The govt guarantees you funding, then makes you build it before they reimburse you. Most of the time, the project costs a lot more due to their overengineering vs what a farmer would spend doing it himself.
Imagine it this way. Your neighbor retires and you sign a Co that to rent his land so your kid can join the operation. Your equipment is undersized so you trade in your planter and combine and a tractor or 2 to handle the acres. Spring comes, and he ignores the signed contract and rents to someone else. You spent a lot of money you didn't need to, and he backed out of a signed contract. Would you be happy you spent the money and they ignored the signed contract?