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Nutrient Management
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Posted 2/6/2025 08:30 (#11091409 - in reply to #11090875)
Subject: RE: Nutrient Management

Let's assume your Field's in good condition.

I would start by listening to the guys that are growing 400 plus bushel corn and actually doing micromanagement.

It's very interesting listening to some of these guys how they really talk about the soil and the plant. They're not talking about fertility or fertilizer in the way that we do.

No nutrient is any more important than any other nutrient. It's a system

Immediately behind the planter you are scouting for emergence. because you might be doing a lot of fixing your seed bed prep and or fixing the planter for the following year to do better.

Research your nutrient uptake chart and research the point of influence chart. Take the local retailers crop removal rate chart throw it out the window. It's useless. A couple in season Haney tests and a handful of sap tests. Build your fertility program around all that information and you will be efficient. You should have a very good crop.
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