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Production hail/wind premiums are even nuttier than last year.
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Posted 2/6/2025 12:38 (#11091788 - in reply to #11091729)
Subject: RE: Production hail/wind premiums are even nuttier than last year.

So the derecho that hit Iowa, N. Illinois and I'm not sure how far East it went was on Aug. 10, 2020 if I remember right. Corn is pretty amazing, but hitting that late into the growing season was pretty devastating. The damage to buildings, bins, houses and other things was intensive, so having good insurance on those things can obviously help prevent huge losses.
Here, in WC Illinois, we got hit hard with a derecho on June 29th, 2023. Gotta say it was nice to have actual rows to combine this last fall after trying to combine corn the fall of 2023. I found it stressful, but the corn recovered enough that I think most farmers in this neighborhood still had yields starting with a 2 in front of it, and I didn't get enough ins. claim back to pay for the premium on corn, but I did on beans with the associated hail that hit every field, although they also recovered well. We lost a barn and the house got a new roof, and lots of building, house and bin damage happened mainly in about a 15 mile width in which we were more on the N. edge of. It gets your attention, and I now wonder how often severe derechos will now be a part of the potential risk we face, as I also don't think I had even heard of derechos before the 2020 event.
Think it all depends on what kind of risk an operation can tolerate as to what level of different kind of insurances to get, but I would say to priortize having good insurance on houses, buildings, etc. a good idea. Some of the different insurance companies disappointed many around here. Having an agent with some clout with his company I think is important.
Think I'd also consider if we were under the threat of another derecho hitting, to drive all the machinery out of any buildings and park them somewhere away from trees and buildings, etc.
Just by chance I caught on youtube the evening before our derecho on Ryan Hall's live stream him showing the potential for a derecho with what turned out to be a very accurate tracking and timing of the storm.
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