Northwest Illinois | I live in an area with very to little side dress nitrogen application (especially with nh3 which I do) and I’m typically faced with “fall” or “spring” pricing.
Some years I roll the dice on buying anhydrous for side dress nitrogen until it’s needed and some years I pay for it as soon as I get a price come spring. Im interested to hear some reasons on why farmers are paying now for side dress N vs waiting until it’s needed like in late may or early June. I guess I dislike giving the supplier money now and half the time they don’t understand or remember I want it for side dress time and then the price goes down and typically I’m stuck with what I paid for it.
Fall has won yearly here on price because tax savings, overall price, yield, but I can’t run fall on all my ground. I’m thinking about adding nh3 storage but need to really put the pencil to ROI.
We can also look at UAN. I do have storage for that but am skeptical holding over winter. I use most of my UAN with planter and some side dress. What are your reasons for paying for UAN now vs later? | |