Northeast Nebraska and Candelaria Philippines | timis - 2/6/2025 21:37
Yes they should. Cbo says an illegal is a net drain on the treasury of about 66k over their stay in the USA. In effect the employers are getting taxpayer subsidized employment. They should pay a fine significant enough to stop it. Many of the big livestock farms (especially poultry and dairy) go as far as building hiding places in their facilities in case the feds show up - so they’re knowingly doing it, even to the point of communal housing in old livestock barns. They’re also some of the biggest land purchasers too - yet were told they wouldn’t make ANY money if everyone had to be legal. I think most people would say buying a couple quarters/year is making enough money that the taxpayer shouldn’t be subsidizing their workforce. I have more sympathy for the 40 illegals living in a old farmhouse heated with space heaters than I do the guy making bank off working them 12 hrs/day - in my mind that’s not much different than a plantation owner in 1860.
The problem is, in there home country they would be making $1.00 per hour.
I am sure they are very appreciative to the employer.
Different perspectives for sure |