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Cutting cost
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Big Ben
Posted 2/7/2025 09:06 (#11092959 - in reply to #11092917)
Subject: RE: Cutting cost

Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
dairyman78 - 2/7/2025 06:38

I have to agree there is a lot of waste in government spending and I don't have a problem with cutting waste. But on cafe talk there was a thread on once powerful companies that have disappeared. To me a common thread is they generally hired to bean counters to cut cost who used a machete rather than a scalpel ruining a once great company. A lot of those bean counters didn't have much knowledge of how and what a company produced. Good example is General Electric, Stelanis, IHC, and many other companies. If they survived it took a long time to rebuild. Hopefully the budget cutters use a scalpel rather than a machete or their could be some unwanted consequences that could take years to overcome

Government is not a company. They don’t make a product, they don’t create value.

Use the machete.

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