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Cutting cost
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Big Ben
Posted 2/7/2025 12:03 (#11093233 - in reply to #11093215)
Subject: RE: monetization and value

Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
farmerbk - 2/7/2025 09:54

if monetization is the yardstick, then how is the value of research accounted for in not creating value.
Much scientific information discovered in the course of government research is often provided to companies that may adapt or refine into products to sell.
Many commercial companies have significantly reduced the R&D they do
from hybridization of crops to medical innovations.... there has been a significant contribution by that research...

as a society, we have frowned upon government making a profit.
does everyone feel differently now?


Research is hard to put a value on, with tremendous opportunities for graft, which is why government shouldn’t get involved in it.

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