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Just getting started calving and got twins.
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Posted 2/7/2025 18:33 (#11093684 - in reply to #11093549)
Subject: RE: Just getting started calving and got twins.

Thumb of Michigan
WCWI - 2/7/2025 16:25

Bottle calves don't grow like ones on the cow, (each)

IDk, I thought that too, then last year a heifer had twins. She didn't have a big bag, so I supplemented each calf morning/night, while keeping her penned up with them (first ones born, too). After a couple of weeks, I let her out of the pen, letting her back in morning and night. Calves would take the bottle, then hit her up. Then at about 4 weeks of age let them go, wasn't but a couple of days and they didn't want the bottles anymore, they had learned how to steal (they didn't care about the stuff that hit their heads). They are just as big as their herd mates today.
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