Lb94 - 2/7/2025 16:54
oldtiger - 2/7/2025 13:05
I'm in a similar camp as you. I still plant some rye in odd spots where I have fence or can easily string a hot wire. But, for wet wrapped hay, I've gone to oats. A much longer window to harvest and better feed. We are lucky and work with a neighbor and can put several guys together to make it a one day deal, or bale the second day and wrap. Makes a lot of feed in a hurry. I still have a patch of alfalfa, but it's on a real marginal crop piece that actually does good with alfalfa. Been tempted to try some trit, but the oats are working well. And all the other posters are correct, rye heads out fast, very short window that if catch a rain when you want to cut, well, you have a problem. One other thing, apply lots of P&K to make up for what you are pulling off
With oats do you have trouble some years getting them planted early enough to get much out of them?