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Japan wants ethanol
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Posted 2/7/2025 20:12 (#11093791 - in reply to #11093673)
Subject: RE: Japan wants ethanol

And oil is not dependent on the injection of CO2 so it soundslike all these CO2 programs should be scrapped. EPA is currently reviewing whether co2 is a pollutant, it is not. They overturn the 2009 decision all this carbon BS will be for not and hopefully all will see what a massive scam and tax money grab it was by greasy political insiders.

I know several guys in oil field. EOG has been using natural gas to inject into wells from the wells to increase production. HTey have been doing this since about 2017. Bottom hole presssure in the bakken should be good for another 20 years. We don't need to ram thru a CO2 pipeline now and line us all up for all sorts of "carbon based" regulations. THere are a couple places here locally in order to sell canola or corn to you have to meet canadian CRF standards(as they say elgible for farm program) to sell to them. Well if someone is not in the farm program they have non saleable commodities or perhaps you mistakenly drained a .1 acre wetland well tough crap you cant sell your crops. Nevermind the fact all these agreements require any litigation be paid by the farmer, not the grain buyer or intermediary.

When it all gets traced back this will be proven to be part of the USAID gambit or some other form of government propoganda someone sold their soul for to do the bidding of the government.
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