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Japan wants ethanol
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Posted 2/8/2025 07:12 (#11094084 - in reply to #11093967)
Subject: RE: Japan wants ethanol

North Central US
Kooiker - 2/7/2025 23:31

white shadow - 2/7/2025 18:25  Ethanol's future is not dependent on a pipeline of co2 for the fracking of oil.

I've been saying this since this whole CO2 pipeline debacle was announced.     

Ethanol does NOT need carbon capture.     Ethanol can, does and will stand on its own.

Carbon Capture needs ethanol to provide the CO2 to collect the govt subsidy.     Carbon capture/sequestration does not, can not and will never stand on its own.

And it pisses me off to no end that the RFA , ICGA and NCGA were so quick to jump into bed with the carbon pipeline companies.     Talk about selling out your soul for a quick buck.   A quick buck made at the expense of the US taxpayer and stabbing landowners in the back to do so.

You can't expect more out of an organization that made one marketing campaign and then disappeared.
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