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Cutting cost
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Posted 2/8/2025 07:20 (#11094096 - in reply to #11092988)
Subject: RE: Cutting cost

North Central US
Aaron SEIA - 2/7/2025 09:19

Similar with Allis Chalmers. Probably lost their butts on many of those huge one off projects they got into. Yes, it's neat to tour some dam that still has AC turbines in it, but they lost focus and got too big for their britches.

You do realize that was AC's main business? AC was the competition to GE and Westinghouse, they all traded blows for positions.

AC was a electrical manufacturing powerhouse.

Agricultural products were always a side job for them.

Hiring a CEO from Westinghouse harmed them more than anything, and the big coal gasification trend helped dig them deeper.
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