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CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?
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Posted 2/8/2025 08:28 (#11094227 - in reply to #11094207)
Subject: RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?

I think the question isn’t should they or shouldn’t they, it is WILL they cut CRP. Very possible in my opinion after observing everything else they are going after. It should be left to run its course, and then not renewed, but they are canceling projects midstream, so who knows if your contract is worthless or not. I’m with Boone on this one . I think it would radically change the farming landscape in the near term . I have filter strips, field edge border program, and it never paid more than current cash rent, but I thought it was the right thing t do. Everyone that thinks the neighbor will get it for free is a fool. It will just go back to being farmed and lowering the price of grains. Interesting times, and nothing will shock me
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