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CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?
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Posted 2/8/2025 09:44 (#11094339 - in reply to #11094313)
Subject: RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?

fezman - 2/8/2025 09:29 I always smile when someone starts talking about it going to the young , small farmer. What you are really saying is that you want to control the outcome without OWNING anything. If you don’t like solar, don’t sign up. If you don’t like CRP, don’t sign up. If you don’t own any land and are trying to tell everyone else what to do with theirs, just sit quietly and watch, or better yet BUY more ground and make your own difference. I know you think we are supposed to be loyal to our neighbors, but loyalty is usually spent on family first. Friendship is for neighbors, and when they figure out they don’t get the land, then they aren’t usually friends anymore. It’s going to be a roller coaster for the next four years, some good, some bad. We might as well get ready for the ride

The problem I have is that we don't get to choose whether we pay for your solar subsidies or CRP payments.

Everything is about money.    You want govt money to keep flowing, I want to cut govt spending in drastic fashion.

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