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CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?
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Posted 2/8/2025 11:38 (#11094523 - in reply to #11094287)
Subject: RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?

Iowa-beef - 2/8/2025 09:06

In my idea of an ideal situation the really poor or erodable land would only be partially funded to stay in grass. Rent the rest to younger or smaller livestock guys.

The rest would be rented to smaller or younger farmers and the land owner would be rewarded with a huge tax credit in doing so.

Now somehow would need to police that it's actually younger and smaller farmers. Not just kids of huge farmers.

Like I said ideal world not real practical.

The thing I really don't like is how crp can take away from the community. Local guy retired and put his 640 acres in to crp and moved away to be closer to kids. Didn't want to deal with tenants and I saw the contract he got 25$ less than most of my cash rent so not a huge deal. Other than property taxes the community is receiving no benefit from his land. He's not moving around here anymore to spend any of his crp check in the community. Lots of examples of absentee ownership with crp.

Also if you think letting crp go will boom the cow numbers I think you've mistaken the amount of people wanting to deal with livestock

You have summed up my thoughts well. CRP hurts the young producers the most, taking marginal ground out of the equation that would present an opportunity for livestock. No wonder cow numbers are at such low levels. There are many young people wanting an opportunity to start or expand with cows around here but so much marginal ground is tied up in CRP. More cows then means more jobs in small towns, which are needed. Some small towns are just a shell of what they were decades ago.
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