Missouri river bottom south of Sioux City, IA | I agree the rates should not be but at one time CRP payments were about twice the cash rent for low ground that has flooding issues in this area.
On this river bottom in 2014, it turned out to be a perfect storm to encourage more CRP enrollment in the next several years. Having 60 plus inches of rain in the growing season put a lot of poor draining soils in trouble. And for some reason CRP rates jumped up from $170 per acre in 2014 to $278 in 2016 in Monona County.
In three years, new CRP enrollment in Woodbury, Monona and Harrison counties totaled about 45,000 acres, mostly on the Missouri river bottom. In 2014 I put 146 acres in a 10 year CRP program paying $363. It qualified and it did not have center pivot on it. In 2015 landlord put 240 acres, all one field into CRP paying close to $400 per acre. Half of the acres had poor drainage and I’ve needed to replant that about 4 times out of every 10 years. On the other half which is much better ground I’ve raised 250 bushel corn. By enrolling all the acres they owned the payment was a lot higher than if they just enrolled the poor ground. That’s why you see complete 160 acre fields in CRP.
The down side of CRP, especially acres that are owned by people that don’t live in your county is the CRP money is not spent in the county at local business. The local business especially the ones that supply crop inputs are hit the hardest. Crunch the numbers, 45,000 acres out of productions for 10 years is a lot of revenue lost.
You can find most anything you want about CRP acres and payments at this site.
You can down load these excels files.
CRP Enrollment and Rental Payments by County, 1986-2022 (xls)
CRP Contract Expirations by County, 2020-2031+? (xls)
Out of the 3,000 plus counties in the US, these 14 counties in Iowa were in the top 50 highest CRP payments in 2022. With Cherokee number 10 and Carroll number 50.
CHEROKEE $321.88
SIOUX $320.80
IDA $319.17
WOODBURY $302.41
HAMILTON $300.24
MONONA $299.36
SHELBY $297.65
O'BRIEN $291.22
KOSSUTH $290.41
CRAWFORD $288.14
CALHOUN $287.80
BREMER $285.80
WEBSTER $285.73
HARDIN $284.56
GRUNDY $283.33
CARROLL $279.55
By the way my CRP acres are coming out in the fall this year. I plan on planting a crop on it in 2026.
Tom N.
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- CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Boone & Crockett : 2/8/2025 07:33
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - ctnfarms : 2/8/2025 07:41
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Gasman : 2/8/2025 07:50
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - standahl : 2/8/2025 07:58
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - NwmoW900 : 2/8/2025 08:12
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Jon : 2/8/2025 08:16
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - JamesL2 : 2/8/2025 08:33
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - T-rowe : 2/8/2025 08:34
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Jon : 2/8/2025 08:46
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - cv107 : 2/8/2025 09:00
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - JRosenberger : 2/8/2025 09:02
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Iowa-beef : 2/8/2025 09:06
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - kb ag : 2/8/2025 09:18
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - JCBFarmsND : 2/8/2025 09:27
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - JAnderson : 2/8/2025 09:44
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Little papa : 2/8/2025 09:53
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - tmrand : 2/8/2025 10:07
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Border : 2/8/2025 10:56
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Hick : 2/8/2025 11:31
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - white shadow : 2/8/2025 11:34
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Oliver1 : 2/8/2025 13:48
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Big Ben : 2/8/2025 13:51
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - clovis : 2/8/2025 16:12
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Green Acres Guy : 2/8/2025 16:28
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - md.mcwill : 2/9/2025 09:37
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - Post Rock NCK : 2/9/2025 10:12
- RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it? - GB1066 : 2/9/2025 19:57