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CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?
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kb ag
Posted 2/8/2025 16:51 (#11094879 - in reply to #11094838)
Subject: RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?

nc ks
I agree. I also agree that farmers are an easy scape goat. Farmers pass much of their subsidy to others and the others keep asking for more, so who wins? Farmers also must follow rules that the tree huggers and hunters want in order to receive that subsidy, so they are in a sense getting paid for what can be a pretty big inconvenience and an obstacle to being efficient and profitable in some cases. For these reasons, I want farm subsidies to end...for the farmers' sake.

In totality, the subsidies farmers receive are just a drop in the national bucket. The old mantra from main street and the suburbs about farmers on the teet doesn't pass muster anymore. The taxpayer has been propping up main street and all the way to general motors. We have sent 1.3 billion to terrorists just under sleepy joe. Just about every high profile charity and non profit in the arts has skated off with millions to billions. Let's just stop it all.
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