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CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?
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Posted 2/9/2025 08:32 (#11095653 - in reply to #11094436)
Subject: RE: CRP poll, eliminate it or keep it?

Clay SEIA - 2/8/2025 09:48

Iowa-beef - 2/8/2025 09:06  Also if you think letting crp go will boom the cow numbers I think you've mistaken the amount of people wanting to deal with livestock

There's never a shortage of people who'd like more pasture around "here" and CRP most definitely impacted that.   However, also have to think about- IF there are any fences on this CRP ground, more than likely zero maintenance has been done for a long, long time.  If the landowner wouldn't be willing to fix that issue, and a whole bunch wouldn't, that's a big hurdle.    Buy 40 cows, do a bunch of clearing, probably need to reseed a bunch of junk, build a mile or two of fence- that's a lot of monies and a lot of work up front  a long time before you walk any calves off it.

The fence issue will be fixed shortly. Cows trained to GPS collars for a 'virtual' fence.

Once the price point comes down and reliability goes up I'm a buyer of this technology if I'm still in the cow business. $250 to 300 a cow for the collar. Questionable on the cell service and where all it will work.
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