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Priefert cattle chute?
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Posted 2/9/2025 11:56 (#11095925 - in reply to #11095610)
Subject: RE: Priefert cattle chute?

Morningdew - 2/9/2025 08:09

Idk. Had a few guys tell me to buy ear muffs if looking at a ranger.

The motor is loud that is true. If doing it again I'd pry buy a motor from someone else and just buy the ranger chute. More 10k catches through ours. Haven't done much to it other than tighten up a few bolts. Paid 11k for it so I'm running thru about a buck a head. Vaccines cost more than owning the chute

I have an arrow in my sick pen. It's OK but once you go Hydraulic you won't go back
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