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Will Tordon RTU kill beech trees?
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Posted 2/9/2025 12:15 (#11095973 - in reply to #11095758)
Subject: RE: Will Tordon RTU kill beech trees?

Floyd County, Iowa
Rowcropcattleman - 2/9/2025 09:53

Tordon could leach and kill what you want. 50/50 remedy and diesel would be safer. Can be stump applied or basil treated.

But, as stated above, it will go through the root system and if the roots of another tree touch it, Tordon will translocate through the touching roots.
Whenever I have to kill a tree in my groves, I cut it off close to the ground and paint the freshly cut stump with straight glyphosate (Roundup), concentrating on the outer rings. Has never failed yet.
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