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Why not subsidize wheat vs CRP acres
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Posted 2/9/2025 14:13 (#11096196 - in reply to #11095366)
Subject: RE: Why not subsidize wheat vs CRP acres

PeteMN - 2/8/2025 21:57

I've got a solution to the CRP problem. Have two levels of CRP. The first level gets half the normal payment if they don't open it up to hunting. The second level would get the full payment, but only if it is opened up to hunters that buy a special permit. The permit would allow a hunter to hunt on open CRP land in a specific area and the DNR would provide a map of those parcels. Half the permit money goes to the DNR and the other half goes to fund the CRP program for that area.

I'll gladly take half a payment instead of entertaining all the blue plate idiots that show up here every fall and think they own the countryside.
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