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Banjo Regulating Valve Wiring Question
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Posted 2/9/2025 22:25 (#11097025 - in reply to #11096905)
Subject: RE: Banjo Regulating Valve Wiring Question

Yes it works as you say. But once I have both banjo white and banjo green grounded it no longer works. Only works if only one (green or white) is grounded. I'm able to get the valve to move slowly both directions in Manual mode when I just use two wires. That's Raven green to Banjo Red and Raven Yellow to Banjo Black. But it's slow, weak and not right. Raven interface flickers in that configuration. Now when I hook up a ground to Banjo white the Red (open) works well, but Black Banjo (close) no longer works. If I hook up both Banjo Green and White to ground, with Banjo black to Raven yellow and Banjo Red to Raven green... then I have no operation at all. Confuses me. I do not need to use this valve. I just did not know of another regulating valve made that's 3". Largest Raven size I see is 2". But if a better valve exists I'd purchase it.

I'll play with some more, I hooked it up every which way Saturday night and could never get it to have good operational power in both directions.

What I did not check on my Raven is when it sends signal down Raven yellow, it must ground green and vice versa? I was thinking of a scenario where I could constantly power Banjo Red and Black and hook up Banjo white and banjo green to Raven yellow and Raven green signal wires.
Kinda in reverse and not share a ground, but share the power side.

What do you think?

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