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Flights over the super bowl
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Posted 2/10/2025 00:43 (#11097093 - in reply to #11097016)
Subject: RE: Flights over the super bowl

Yes, always over the Super Bowl.   Bayou Militia F-15Cs out of Baton Rouge this time, one of the last units still operating the light gray Eagle.   They aren't tanking because they need the gas to be there, it's because they need the gas if anything does go wrong.  My guess would be that they had four or six jets up for this, cycling to the tanker in pairs so somebody was always full. 

For a point of reference if you don't know about fighter fuel- an Eagle with 3 600 gallon external drop tanks can carry about 25,000 pounds of fuel.  That's a lot of weight and drag, and I doubt these guys are configured that way, but the jet is capable of it for a ferry flight.   In max afterburner, that jet burns  2,000 pounds in a minute. 

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